
Editorial: India needs 25 more new mega cities to accommodate its urban population

By Dr. Sanjay Chaturvedi, LLB, PhD.

Population out burst and migratory trend in India is demanding at least 25 new brand mega metropolitan cities with international standard infrastructure, look and feel. The burden on existing cities and its infrastructure cannot be sustained for long. India badly needs 25 more big mega cities to house its millions of over flowing urban population. City out skirts have seen big townships, filling up within no times, and this is the reason when we know that rural population is migrating to urban agglomerations, need for new smart and mega cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Chennai and Kolkatta is need of the hour.

According to the census data and various research papers, India shall house its 66% of the population in Urban Centers. What is required is to convert three tier cities into mega urban centers with commerce and industry in place with full town planning to accommodate future populations.

Old cities like Mumbai, Delhi have no scope to improve to international standards. Any international city has roads at least of 25% of the total city area. There no roads in these mega cities. No scope for improving infra to over flowing population. Shall India deprive itself to have such international cities, with ultra modern amenities, well planned roads, zones, CBD areas, service centers, room for Art, Culture and life style. We at Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata do not have lifestyle and enjoy the nature, entertainment, night life and on. Why we cannot create our own international cities with the line of Dubai, New York, London and compare to any international city?

We have already cities, towns, muflis areas to develop. What we need is comprehensive policy frame work and incentives for people to move to new cities. We had Navi Mumbai, Nava Kanpur, New Aurangabad and so on. Planners like CIDCO have done commendable job in establishing new future ready cities. Why can’t we have more CIDCO in the country with more role model like Navi Mumbai and Chandigarh?

Need of the hour is that we gift new brand international cities to our generation next who are looking for life style in foreign land. Attraction and incentive must be offered to young generation to come and built new brand India.